
Send me an email to receive information on exhibition dates or what's happening in my studio.

edwards_holiday ligthts
December 22 2020

With our one day of gorgeous winter white yesterday we also lost hydro power. So it became a free day to sit by the fireplace, read and put my plans of sending Solstice greetings on hold. My favourite read so far this winter is...                             

the air was full of sound, oil on canvas by Canadian contemporary painter barbra edwards, Pender Island, BC expressionism
June 26 2020

If you are beginning to emerge in the city a bit more this summer, here's a gentle reminder that it's already the last week of Dimensions of Colour.
Winchester Galleries has curated a thoughtful collection of paintings by Victoria artists Todd Lambeth and Doug Fraser's work along with my own, focused on the subject of colour.   

Walking through the forest where I live, I stop for a moment just to listen and breathe in the sounds.      cont'd...

forest unfolding_oil on canvas_by Canadian_contemporary painter_barbraedwards_Pender Island, BC
June 25 2020

Throughout these past few months of isolation there has been a return to a subject dear to my heart in my paintings, the forest. Perhaps I've never really left, but there have been creative side roads along the way which have added a new dimension to the subject. Earlier forms that were becoming completely abstracted are now leaning into more recognizable shapes. At least to me! Can you find the pine cones in the painting above? 

Today, a new exhibition Dimensions of Colour, opens at Winchester Galleries which... cont'd.

tidal bore_mixed media on paper_by canadian contemporary painter barbra edwards, Pender Island, BC
June 5 2020

As galleries slowly open up during these days of the pandemic, with strict regulations in place, it's so important that people to be able to stand in front of art once again. The solutions galleries have used these last months of lockdown to showcase their artists has been impressive, fun and well, creative!  I'm pleased to be part of Winchester Galleries group show Local Compositions which...

untitled (dying lily) digital print with mixed media on paper by Canadian artist photographer Barbra Edwards Pender Island BC
November 18 2019

Opening next week Winchester Galleries will have an exhibition of my new work (see the collection here) which will coincide with the Oak Bay Gallery Walk in Victoria. With these digital prints of flowers I’m interested in the similarity between sentient beings and humans, an exploration of their energy, life, transformation. I try to capture their quiet joy...      cont'd.

untitled (dahlias wth watercolour) diptych by contemporary Canadian artist barbra edwards pender island BC
July 9 2019

 I can't believe this is the last week to see re.ani.mate on Salt Spring with my paintings and mixed media work along with the intricate basketry of Carol Dodd. Huge thanks to all of you who checked it out, and special thanks to Helen Mears, Richard Steel and everyone at the Salt Spring Arts Council for your hard work and support.
r e.a n.i.m a t e   at Showcase Gallery  Salt Spring Island

re.ani.mate poster barbra edwards exhibition at showcase gallery salt spring island, BC
June 26 2019

re.ani.mate opens this Friday at Showcase Gallery!  Although I’ve shown in the gallery before, I’m pretty excited that for the first time the Salt Spring Arts Council has given me this opportunity to show some of the mixed media work and idea-generation that's been happening in my studio. Link to Driftwood newspaper article on the exhibiton click here.

Combining paint with drawing and photography...      cont'd

digital photography print proofs Canadian photographer Barbra Edwards Pender island BC
June 7 2019

As I prepare for my first show which includes photography along with paintings, I realize the role photography has played in my creative process. Photos are always among the piles of sketches, ideas and notes to self…
Not only is it a joy to photograph whatever captures my imagination,        more...

night dreaming oil painting on canvas by Canadian contemporary artist Barbra Edwards, Pender Island, BC
April 14 2019

I’m excited to be part of the group exhibition of southern Gulf Islands artists opening this Easter weekend at Mahon Hall on Salt Spring Island.  Last fall we were invited to produce a piece in tribute to a creative person who has influenced our personal work. H o m a g e, curated by Patrick McCallum, will showcase... 

H o m a g e    

exhibition opens  -  F r i d a y   A p r i l  1 9 - A p r i l   2 8   2 0 1 9
artist's opening  -    F r i d a y   A p r i l  1 9    6 - 9  p m

curve, work on paper, mixed media by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards Pender Island, BC
April 1 2019

First, I promise this painting looks much better when you click 'read more'  below and see the entire image! 

Exhibition opens  -  T u e s d ay   A p r i l   2 - 2 7    2 0 1 9

Artist's reception S a t u r d a y   A p r i l    6     2 - 4 p m
Drop by to check out this show if you can, we'll be there to say hello.

Increased recognition of women’s art continues this year and hopefully this... 

making l (detail) painting by American June Leaf
December 30 2018

Recently I was telling a friend that I had little new to write about on my website writings page. She commented “… a lot of people would find the story you’ve just been telling me really interesting”. Our dialogue continued about whether everything on the website had to do with art or just life. I’ll share the story and you can decide...

studio drawing in charcoal and pastel by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, Gulf Islands, BC
April 4 2018

Last week a friend and I were talking about finding Balance. Exactly what is that perfect mix that can fill the creative well? It’s about inspiration of course, and travel or staying home, people or no people, making, not finding time to create. It’s having a personal, peaceful place to actually create.
But wait, that's not always the case for me. Some of my best work has also come out of uncomfortable, new and disruptive situations. Aha. That’s the thing about creative Balance.

I just received news that...

field notes (2) mixed media by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, pender island, BC
January 8 2018

Greetings as we begin the New Year!
January's darker, blustery days gives me permission to sit and read scribbled notes and creative ideas jotted down over the past months. Is there something worthwhile buried in that journal I might explore or did that trickster of an idea only seem brilliant in the moment? From there I find myself mulling over the impact of changes in the art world. When we look back on 2017 I think it will be...

painting 'petite jaune (roadside)' mixed media, by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, Pender Island, BC
December 1 2017

It's not only children who are drawn to tiny treasures. I often find myself and others peering into the smallest of drawers in some shop. The very tiniest of metal pulleys of all things, in the hardware store, brings a happy sigh. Of course there are vintage items, wee books, the smallest shell or rock...

undercurrent, watercolour, mixed media, work on paper, by Canadian contemporary artist Barbra Edwards, Pender Island, BC
October 24 2017

Living beside this massive ocean, walking it’s shores, seeing light transform colour in the sea, smelling the salt air, watching winds gust across tidal waves, peering at the tiniest Limpet on the beach, feeling the... 

meta, oil on linen by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, gulf islands, BC
June 29 2017

An invitation to show with some dear friends in my old stomping grounds just north of Toronto is happening in July. If you are in Ontario this summer and can drop by, here are the dates:

Flesherton Art Gallery
22 Collingwood Street
Flesherton, ON

S u m m e r  G r o u p  S h o w
opening:    F r i d a y   J u l y  7    7 p.m.  -  until dark
(show runs through the summer, in conjunction with Local Colour's annual 26th Art Garden)

Flesherton is a preferred stop for many Toronto.... 

nueseum show is on pod contemporary Salt Spring Island, Canadian artist barbra edwards
June 6 2017

Had a great time over the weekend at the opening of Pod Contemporary's 'Nueseam' show on Salt Spring Island. Two of my mixed media pieces are at the bottom of this photo. Or get close up info here http://barbraedwards.com/works-on-paper

Drop by if you get a chance, it's a beautifully curated show.  On View till  July  8th.

pod contemporary gallery new summer exhibition of small works, Canadian abstract painter barbra edwards, gulf islands, bc
May 24 2017

Thanks Pod Contemporary, for including my paintings in your summer exhibition of small works. I'm delighted to be showing along side these talented artists. 

New paintings, photography and pottery... June 2 - July 8
If you're on island, come by, it would be great to say hello!

Opening Reception  Friday  June 2   5-7 pm

pod contemporary gallery   102-150 fulford ganges  salt spring island, bc


we are all one, oil on birch panel Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards from the Gulf Islands
January 25 2017

A while back I read a tiny gem of a book by filmmaker David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish.  His writing at first seemed deceptively childlike in its simplicity, but I realized that the way it’s written offers time to digest his unique thinking process. His famous ‘weird’ perspective, along with comments about how he ‘captures ideas’ is stimulating reading. It reminded me of classes at Ryerson University where I studied motion pictures in first year before...

September 4 2016

‘A room of my own…” and be in it, quietly.
Virginia Woolf
Talking with artist and writer friends about making sufficient time to create, I thought I’d write about what I’m up to this month. People automatically translate living on an island as I do into the ultimate quiet space to create. That can be true...

detail of work in process, barbra edward's studio, oil painting, Canadian contmporary painter, Gulf Islands
August 20 2016

I’m excitedly packing art gear for a four- week self-directed residency at Blue Horse Gallery on Salt Spring Island.

Times Colonist - Barbra Edwards exhibition at Winchester Galleries
June 10 2016

My new show of works on paper opened this week at Winchester Galleries, on till June 30th.

'Slinky' watercolour, collage, ink, wax by Canadian contemporary artist Barbra Edwards Pender Island, BC
May 29 2016

'R o a d  T r i p:  a  p a p e r   t r a i l'

Exhibition Opens  -  T u e s d a y   J u n e   7 -  J u n e  3 0

Artist's reception   -   S a t u r d a y   J u n e   11   2:00 - 4:00   Upper Gallery
If you can, drop by the gallery. It would be great to see you!

I pack light in terms of creative materials when I travel... 

road trip, watercolour, mixed media by Canadian abstract artist barbra edwards, Gulf Islands, BC
May 6 2016

https://www.winchestergalleriesltd.com/There is something about the adventure of jumping in the car; the spontaneity of taking that next turn in the road, the freedom to stay in a place a bit longer….
When I am away from the studio some basics get stuffed into my travel bag: a very old, tiny metal Winsor & Newton watercolour box, a couple of brushes, some conté, paper and always, a camera. Painting en plein air isn’t part of my practice. Wandering around a location that draws me in...

Exhibition:  J u n e  7 - 30,  2016   Winchester Galleries, Victoria

Artist Opening:  S a t u r d a y   J u n e   11   2:00 - 4:00  Upper Gallery


down the rabbit hole, watercolour with mixed media by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, Pender Island, BC
February 20 2016

A high clerestory window in my bedroom provides a view of tall fir trees. Hanging on to moss covered bluffs, winter winds often buffet these trees every which way. I’ve written in past posts about my early morning thought process that happens before the rest of the world wakes up and I rush headlong into my day. For the past couple of years, as I lay awake and watch one group of branches – they’ve become the perfect, huge, shape of a rabbit’s head. Flopping ears and talking mouth. I’ve become quite attached to the creature. As the head moves I imagine how I’d draw this angle or that. Lately things have changed; branches have grown or fallen off. I’ve been forcing that rabbit head to remain but no, it’s pretty well history. My history. Yesterday morning when I opened one eye…

Love Changes Everything, oil painting by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, Gulf Islands, BC
December 11 2015

Bugera Matheson Gallery's Winter Show, 'Gifts for Her' begins on the 12th of December. If you are in the neighbourhood drop by, Love Changes Everything is one of my oil paintings featured in the exhibition.

December 12- 31, 2015

In the Dream of Dawn, watercolour by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards, Gulf Islands, BC
December 1 2015

Winchester Galleries' show 'The Winter Exhibition, An Exquisite Collection of Small Works' has just opened. In the Dream of Dawn is one of my watercolour/mixed media paintings in the show. Drop by when you're out doing your holiday shopping, it's a treat of a gallery.

November 28 - December 23, 2015

I Don't Know Your Song, mixed media by contemporary artist Barbra Edwards, Pender Island, BC
November 6 2015

My watercolours don’t get out much. They mostly hang around the studio while I work on larger paintings...but Winchester Galleries is featuring my work on paper during their Canadian Modern show November 3 - 18 at their Oak Bay location.
These paintings play an important roll in my daily studio practice, much of it on a subconscious level. They are a direct yet meditative way to play out on paper new ideas and directions I’m considering. Each watercolour represents moments...

shift on line catalogue cover
August 5 2015

view on line catalogue here        purchase the print verision

Creating with Fiona Duthie this past year on our two shows has been one of pushing individual boundaries. Our conversations were most often about making. Although we are image-makers using completely different mediums, the similarities in what we were both saying helped us pull together a cohesive story that became SHIFT. Concepts tumbled out from the inspiration of each other’s work, in fact there were more ideas than...

shift exhibition seymour art gallery, abstract artist barbra edwards, fibre artist fiona duthie
June 17 2015

My collaborative exhibition SHIFT exploring layers of perspective with sculptural feltmaker Fiona Duthie from last summer's show on Salt Spring Island has been accepted for a Vancouver exhibition at the Seymour Art Gallery in Deep Cove. Our newest work from the series will be part of this year's show. Gallery's comments are below on my blog. Click Read More.
It would be great fun if you drop by the opening!

Save The Date!
Seymour Art Gallery
Dates:   July 8 to August 8th
Artist Talks:   Sunday July 12th 2 pm, Reception following


border(line) oil on canvas by Pender Island abstract, contemporary artist barbra edwards
May 30 2015

Reading Susan Cain’s book "Quiet  The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking"  I wondered about how the role of personality or mood shapes my own paintings. Also, how colour itself presents a painting to the world...

the man who flew kites photograph by artist barbra edwards Pender Island, BC
April 29 2015

Walking on one of those beaches that go forever in Oregon last fall, we struck up a conversation a man who turned out to be almost completely blind. He spent much of the day flying large, beautiful kites. He had a special routine with everything in it's place, strings tied to his backpack so he could follow the strings and...

click below to see photos and the painting that evolved from this afternoon.

nature totems one + two by contemporary abstract artist barbra edwards Pender Island, BC
April 26 2015

This morning offered a pale pink and yellow hint of the day as I lay in bed mentally rummaging through images. Rummaging and reading happens when I want to change subject matter or how I’ll depict it. This past winter I was spending more time than I’d like to admit at the ‘lost’ stage in the studio. I’d show up daily and paint through the dark questions. Then often paint ‘over them’. (there’s history under all those layers!) Now notes, articles and scribbles in journals lay around the studio. Colour-combo swatches that sing to me are pinned on the walls. New music is playing… I’m looking at paintings as they evolved over this past year. I can see traces of my intentions already appearing in each painting.

So what’s inspiring me right now?

5 women in abstraction exhibition on Salt Spring Island artist barbra edwards
April 14 2015

A few photos from the Easter weekend exhibition on Salt Spring Island. 5 Women In Abstraction was the first show after winter... everyone ethusiastically comes out or even flys in, for the beginning of the arts season on Salt Spring. It was a terrific evening! For more pics....

red rising, oil painting by contemporary artist barbra edwards, Pender Island BC
March 26 2015

On Easter Weekend I'm participating in a new exhibition with four other artists who also explore abstraction in paint, wax or clay. Four painters and a potter!
Easter is the kick off for everything art-related on Salt Spring Island, BC, one of North America's most highly regarded small arts communities.

Dates and times below...with more on the tour here:


Spring 2015 Opening at Bugera Matheson Gallery, with Canadian abstract artist Barbra Edwards
March 3 2015

Just returned from my opening at Bugera Matheson in Edmonton. It was a beautifully hung and successful show, thanks everyone at the gallery! Still time to drop by if you are in town. A few photos...click below.

February 28 - March 14 2015

Canadian contemporary artist Barbra Edwards, show opening at Bugera Matheson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
February 3 2015

Avenue Magazine's ad for my two-person exhibition with landscape artist Micheal Thiesson at Bugera Matheson Gallery, in Edmonton.

The show launches the gallery's spring season, and is my debut at the gallery. I'll be in Edmonton at the opening...click read more for times.

February 28 - March 14 

oil painting Out Of The Blue by Pender Island contemporary artist barbra edwards
February 2 2015

'Out of the Blue (click for painting details) is one the new paintings I've been working on this past winter. My exploration of the natural environment continues but with a more intimate focus on a cellular level.
If you are unable to visit the gallery, this and other paintings from the exhibition will be... 

Every Room With A View, contemporary artist barbra edwards, Bugera Matheson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
December 23 2014

This upcoming ad in gallerieswest magazine features the group show 'Every Room With A View', January 1st at Bugera Matheson Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta. (click 'read more' below to see full ad)

detail of whispers of happiness, oil on linen, by contemporary painter barbra edwards
December 2 2014

Continuing my thoughts on drawing from my September post, these recent diptychs explore the role of writing within a painting. Originally hinged multiple panels called diptychs (or triptychs, polyptychs) were popular during the 15th and 16th centuries. They consisted of several panels and were viewed as “illuminating each other and comprising a distinct work of art from the individual parts”. Today diptychs are more often painted as one overall painting and usually not hinged.

I gave myself the challenge of painting each panel so that...

barbra edwards love changes everything, oil on panel, Pender Island contemporary artist
October 17 2014

Here is what's happening at Edmonton's Gallery Walk this weekend.  


beneath memory, oil on canvas by contemporary artist barbra edwards
October 5 2014

Studio news! I’m delighted to now be represented by Bugera Matheson Gallery in Edmonton.

This is one of the pieces on it’s way to the gallery called Outside Looking In’. It continues the theme of looking intimately at nature; taking things in on a cellular level rather than the long view. A painting that just... 

mind mapping, watercolour by barbra edwards, Pender Island artist, Canadian
September 30 2014

The serene gallery space at Green Raven on Salt Spring Island is where a small paper trail of my watercolours is now showing. I enjoy working in this medium along with gouache, ink, conté…whatever ends up on the paper. Afterwards I think there is...

cat's cradle, watercolour by Pender Island contemporary artist barbra edwards
September 17 2014

“Drawing, as a form of mark-making, came first in human experience, even before song.” sculptor David Smith

I’ve just read ‘Drawing is Thinking’ by American graphic designer Milton Glaser. What a perfect title! His book is timely with the resurgence of interest in works on paperEvery culture has used drawing as a form of communication, from cave drawings to graffiti. Drawing is part of everyone’s life. Most of us...

SHIFT 1 oil/wax on panel by BC contemporary artist barbra edwards
July 18 2014

Driftwood Newspaper Article on the exhibition SHIFT exploring layers of perception.


SHIFT exhibition by visual artist barbra edwards and fibre artist fiona duthie on Salt Spring Island BC
July 16 2014

Once in a while a collaboration comes together the way the artists imagine. 

The exhibition SHIFT  exploring the layers of perception  has achieved that coming together where both artists are satisfied after months of intense work. Here is a sense of this show, up for the rest of July if you are able to see it in person. Click on read more below and see more photos of the exhibition. 

July 9 2014

Seems to be a 'two for one' month for those of you who receive my newsletters. I have this overwhelming need to wrap some extra words around the thought process behind the pieces in my new exhibition SHIFT - exploring layers of perception. There has been debate forever about whether an artist needs to say anything at all about their work, or just let people look and decide for themselves. Artist’s are definitely on either side of the fence on this one.  Bear with me this time...

July 3 2014

Working on the statement for my summer show on Salt Spring Island. It's been inpiring working together for the first time with fibre artist Fiona Duthie... 

A collaboration by Barbra Edwards, visual artist, with Fiona Duthie, fibre artist, at Salt Spring Island's ArtCraft Gallery.

Barbra’s current work explores the dialogue between one form and another. She uses line to suggest movement, substance, or layers of perspective; what used to be or what exists in the present. In some paintings... 

Canadain artist barbra edwards in her Pender Island studio
June 23 2014

My sincere thanks to Herbalist and Homepathic doctor Seraphina Capranos for posting this article about my interest in all things herbal on a recent blog. Seraphina is known throughout BC and beyond for her wisdom of herbal health-healing. My love of the plant world has expanded through her teachings. Those of you who know my paintings likely see

CFA Summer Colours exhibition Toronto, Barbra Edwards
June 13 2014

I'm pleased to be participating again in Canadian Fine Arts 'Summer Colours' exhibition. If you are in Toronto, CFA is a gallery worth visiting. 

June 19 - August 31st

Tuesday - Saturday  11 - 5 pm

wall with the text you've changed on
May 23 2014

Returning from eastern Canada, I've just piled my memories on the table and am sorting through them. This past winter I hit the proverbial artist’s ‘block’. I don’t remember ever having a block that lasted that long. It’s a soul-searching experience for an artist. I brought it on myself. There was a long list of what I wanted to achieve in the coming year as an artist. This was not about ‘maybe’s’ but ‘I will achieve’ this and that… fair enough until the FREEZE. Nothing was happening in the studio. Colours, canvases, brushes, sketches, photographs - nothing felt right. 

February 19 2014

One of the things I most admire about the Mexican art I’ve seen these past few years is the subject matter. Or perhaps how the the subject matter is handled. For many artists there is no fear in taking on what has crucial meaning for them. They tackle their culture, politics, religion, sex, personal experiences in their daily lives. Artist’s in other countries do the same yet there is an intensity in much of the Mexican art that just feels different. It’s their street stories. It’s anger at how a country (their’s and others) is run. These stories feel very personal. They have impact as you stand before

work_in_process_pender island_artist_barbra_edwards
January 6 2014

At the beginning of each school year there was always the excited anticipation of new books and scribblers. The paper seemed too perfect, too fresh to fill immediately with words. Then we plunged in and soon the scribblers were filled with assignments. The act of painting has that similar anticipation as I face the white canvas, visualizing for a heartbeat what will appear, then letting go as the brush touches surface. I do a lot of thinking in the studio, not so much when I paint but it’s more to do with “showing up at the page”. My creative brain knows as I step through the door...

Exhibition of paintings at Canadian Fine Arts featuring contemporary artist  Barbra Edwards
December 20 2013

Currently my paintings are part of a group exhibition at Canadian Fine Arts in Toronto called FROM YESTERDAY TO TOMORROW, CANADIAN MASTERS + EMERGING ARTISTS. One of my pieces ‘History of Lover’s’ in oil, 36 x 42” hangs beside Leon Bellefleur’s ‘Nids d’aube’ at the gallery.

kimmsooja unfolding exhibition visited by gulf islands artist barbra edwards
November 22 2013

I just returned from seeing KIMSOOJA Unfolding at the Vancouver Art Gallery. This is the first retrospective of the thirty year career of the Korean-born, Paris/NY-based artist. I wasn’t expecting the emotional response I had to the exhibition. It was a tactile, intelligent, visually explosive presentation of her concepts.

spotted lake, Osoyoos, BC photographed by canadian artist barbra edwards
October 6 2013

Adventure stimulates one’s sensibilities. It wasn’t a wild adventure I was recently on, but simply being engaged with life on a road trip to the Okanagan. I photographed the BC landscape as it shifted from ocean to mountains, desert and farmland. In awe, I think “all of this in one province!” Click here on Spotted Lake to read more about this magical lake we came upon.

Back in my studio I’m absorbing not only colour palette but what is paintable and what can remain unpainted. Although it’s landscape

Canadian artist Harold Klunder visits Barbra Edwards West Coast studio
August 1 2013

The chaos of my island studio has been calmed and simplified; canvas frames stored, books piled in some kind of order, bits and pieces of ideas on paper filed...I can actually see the corners of my studio again. My friend and mentor Harold Klunder arrives next week to teach a Master Class to thirteen painters here at my island studio. I’m delighted to have Harold here as his experience and insight is a treasure trove with which...

the big show at pod contemporary molecule of thought, oil painting by barbra edwards
July 12 2013

Pod Contemporary Gallery launches their summer show this coming week. Called The Big Show, director Helen Mears will be showcasing larger works by several artists.

Sooke Fine Arts show, juried show, 27th year contemporary painter Barbra Edwards
June 30 2013

Great News! My painting Understory lll was chosen from some 1,350 entries to participate in this summer's largest art show on Vancouver island.The Sooke Fine Arts Show, now in its 27th year, is Vancouver Island’s premier summer arts event.

barbra edwards contemporary artist on Pender Island oil painting
June 9 2013

I am delighted to now be working with Toronto gallery, Canadian Fine Arts, and be in the company of some fine artists there. My studio is strewn with packing materials as I organize shipping from west to east. This is one of the group of paintings being packed up.

barbra edwards contemporary artist on Pender Island oil painting
May 30 2013

...may not have a lot to do reality. As a painter and photographer I often live in this visual ‘other world’. These cherry blossom branches have wrapped around the trunk of a Birch tree transforming themselves into an exotic new variety that doesn’t exist! To my eye the sum of their parts has become more beautiful.

Abstraction in painting often undergoes a similar transformation. This scene which I quickly shot with my phone camera, immediately triggered some fabulous visual ideas. Form, rhythm, contrast... Back in my studio I shift

barbra edwards contemporary artist on Pender Island oil painting
May 5 2013

That slow sensuous spring we Gulf Islands usually have just went wildly into high gear. With temps in the high 20‘s (low 80’s F if you are reading this in the U.S. ) it feels like summer full on. Bit of a shock not only for humans but for our plant friends as well. 

barbra edwards art on paper show watercolour Salt Spring Island
April 2 2013

Pod Contemporary Gallery
Salt Spring Island, BC

barbra edwards contemporary artist on Pender Island oil painting
March 29 2013

A while back my painting ‘Looking At The Overlooked’ had sold at a show on Salt Spring Island. The painting was traveling elsewhere and I’d offered to deliver it. This was the first time I’d ever delivered a painting to a residential home with an elevator!

Recently I had the opportunity to go back and view where this piece now hangs. I’m pleased to have my work in this home which is based on Frank Lloyd Wright’s principles of

'shroom_by b_edwards
March 15 2013

Since my last gallery show of paintings using cold wax and oil, both clients and other artists are asking lots of questions! One of the unique characteristics of this medium is the ‘finish’ of the painting. It actually is real bee’s wax that gives a matt-waxy glow to the work, a texture people seem fascinated with. Some painters buff up (completely dried) paintings to bring up a sheen. I leave my pieces as they are, enjoying the depth created by the waxy oil. You can see some of these paintings right here on this site. To find out more about this medium you can read about

Blue Ice #2 by barbra edwards, Canadian abstract artist on Pender Island, BC
February 7 2013

Talisman Books + Gallery has just announced the grand opening of their new gallery space on Pender Island, BC. I’m delighted to have been invited to exhibit my solo show 'Forest Decoded' for their launch from February 15 till March 14, 2013. Opening Reception is on Saturday, February 16, 2013 1 - 3 pm

watercolour journaling by barbra edwards, Canadian abstract artist on Pender Island, BC
January 27 2013

Wrapped around and in between the everyday painting of my larger pieces is the work I do in my sketch and painting books. This watercolour was used to work out some spacial issues I was considering, combined with a fresh colour palette that appealed to me. These loose paintings feel similar to writing words in a journal. They bring me back to a kind of fluid, primitive mark-making.

by barbra edwards, abstract art on Pender Island, BC, Canada
December 17 2012

While in California this past few weeks, I fell and broke my wrist. No, not my painting hand, the first thing everyone asks, but still I’m quite amazed at how many things one cannot do and how everything takes much longer with only five fingers.

Beaches Oregon by Barbra Edwards
November 30 2012

We’ve just returned from a adventurous road trip; down the coast of the U.S. through Washington, Oregon and California. The third party on the trip was our Standard Poodle, who unfortunately will not be invited again. That is a whole other story, but suffice to say she hates to travel by car!

Children's Forest by Barbra Edwards
November 2 2012

I am proud and so excited to be one of the artists invited to create works of art inspired by the Children’s Forest on Cortes Island, BC. The Forest Trust has been formed to purchase approximately 600 acres of ecologically significant lands there and place them in trust to the children of Cortes, in perpetuity.

by barbra edwards, Canadian abstract artist on Pender Island, BC, Canada
June 6 2012

After many years of obsessively painting forest, I’m wanting to shift, to find a depth in my creative language. That was on my mind when I was invited to participate in a very special retreat with my ‘old mentor' Harold Klunder. As one gallery owner recently said to me, “it’s rare that a painter of his stature teaches”.

by barbra edwards, Canadian abstract artist on Pender Island, BC, Canada
April 30 2012

This passion I have with oil paint is about it’s glorious texture, and unique ability to transform into something surprisingly alive as it drys. (unlike acrylic for example, which is after all only plastic) However I’ve been wanting to stretch out and push in new directions. Some kind of change was needed, yet I was reluctant to leave my true love; oil.

December 15 2011

With completion of some terrific design work from the team at Hermani + Sorrentino Design, my new web site has now gone 'live'. The language of painting is one thing, now comes the challenge of the written word to communicate something about my work, my process, my inspiration. If you spend time on my site, bear with me as the beginnings of my random thoughts fall happily onto the screen.

Getting Under the Skin - Article about Barbra Edwards in Aqua Magazine
November 24 2011

The latest issue of Aqua magazine has just 'hit the news stands'. It has an indepth article on my work. Woohoo! I'm one happy camper. I've been reading this well published magazine for the past six years; actually since I moved to the Gulf Islands. Their articles are of genuine interest and showcase the wealth of fascinating and creative folk who are tucked away in this part of Canada. (by the way I said this before I was in the mag!) 

photo by west coast artist barbra edwards
November 3 2011

The landscape in Santa Fe and Taos where I've just visited was as magnificent as I'd heard it was. The blue sky that goes on forever, the intense red hills surrounded by gold and dusted, muted greens is fabulous a sight for an artist to take in.

painting and feet of barbra edwards, Canadian abstract artist on Pender Island, BC
September 12 2011

Abstraction is connected to who you are...it’s partly about allowing yourself to disappear into the painting and not worry about what we call reality. For this latest series of paintings, I’ve found myself within the interior of the woods. The paintings are figurative yet abstract. It’s a changeable journey on any given day in my studio.

In the Skin of the Forest - Show by Barbra Edwards on Salt Spring Island, BC
August 26 2011

It took the better part of a day working with Showcase Gallery director Helen Mears to hang my show, in spite of her comment that "this show just hung itself". Her curating skills were superb at merging the three-dimensional assemblages by Salt Spring Island basket-maker Debbie Magnusson as they twisted and contorted below my paintings.

forest photography by barbra edwards, Canadian abstract artist, Pender Island, BC
July 30 2011

A quick note for anyone who might want to visit my upcoming show on Salt Spring Island, the show opening has been moved ahead one week!

The show opening date is Friday, August 26th from 6 pm to 8 pm. It would be wonderful to see you there!

photo by west coast artist barbra edwards
May 15 2011

Nothing like an upcoming show to get me focused in the studio. From visual meandering about, to exploring various subjects and mediums, then all of a sudden woohoo! it's time to get my thinking on canvas! My proposal for a show entitled 'In the Skin of the Forest' was accepted a while back by the SSAC (Salt Spring Arts Council). The opening will take place at ArtCraft on Salt Spring Island, B.C. this coming September.

barbra edwards at Museum of Anthropology at UBC, Vancouver
December 29 2010

After the holidays I spent a leisurely afternoon wandering through the architectural beauty of the Museum of Anthropology at UBC in Vancouver, B.C.  This world renowned museum has recently undergone a major renovation and on this particular day their collection of Northwest totems, Haida houses and carvings were incredibly inspiring in the sun-filled main hall.

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