'Slinky' watercolour, collage, ink, wax by Canadian contemporary artist Barbra Edwards Pender Island, BC
May 29 2016
New Exhibition Opens at Winchester Galleries

'R o a d  T r i p:  a  p a p e r   t r a i l'
Exhibition Opens  -  T u e s d a y   J u n e   7 -  J u n e  3 0

I pack light in terms of creative materials when I travel. A tiny, very old metal Winsor & Newton watercolour box, a brush or two, ink, my sketch book, some watercolour paper...
For the month of June new mixed media paintings from my recent road trip will be on exhibition in Victoria.

Winchester Galleries
2260 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria, BC

Artist's reception  -  S a t u r d a y   J u n e   11   2:00 - 4:00   Upper Gallery
If you can, drop by the gallery. It would be great to see you!

shown: ''Slinky" watercolour, mixed media on paper 11 1/4 x 15 in.

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