barbra edwards contemporary artist on Pender Island oil painting
May 5 2013
We're Having a Heat Wave

That slow sensuous spring we Gulf Islands usually have just went wildly into high gear. With temps in the high 20‘s (low 80’s F if you are reading this in the U.S. ) it feels like summer full on. Bit of a shock not only for humans but for our plant friends as well. 

The bulbs that have been showing beautifully for several months here in BC are disintegrating and melting into ‘helicopter shapes’ before my eyes. Dying flowers are often more beautiful to me than the fresh ones. I have been photographing a vase on my counter; incredible new forms, shapes, lines appear as they transform into something other than what we usually see.

Looking from another perspective at our everyday surroundings helps keep my creative ‘eye’ tuned. As I photograph I begin to clearly see abstract paintings that may take shape in my studio. What will end up in a painting is not better or worse, it is one energy speaking of another that I have taken a moment to absorb and project in a process called ‘painting’. 

Stay tuned, as I am, to see what will response will unfold in the studio.

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