artist's statement

Canadian, contemporary artist barbra edwards in her studio on Pender Island, BC

Living beside this massive ocean, walking it’s shores, seeing light transform colour in the sea, smelling the salt air, watching winds gust across tidal waves, peering at the tiniest Limpet on the beach, feeling the texture of lichen on trees in the rainforest, catching the design of a feather as it floats down from a passing bird...

Painting my experiences of living on this dramatic coast of Western Canada, sometimes I wonder if I have any control at all over subject matter.

Moving from drawing to painting to photography and printmaking, or a combination of these… informs, expands, and adds clarity to my language. My challenge is to give content and depth to the work, which offers the viewer an opportunity to take the time for sustained conversation.


visit my studio


© 2012-2024 barbra edwards   design by virtualwave media