spotted lake, Osoyoos, BC photographed by canadian artist barbra edwards
October 6 2013
Travel Fills the Creative Well

Adventure stimulates one’s sensibilities. It wasn’t a wild adventure I was recently on, but simply being engaged with life on a road trip to the Okanagan. I photographed the BC landscape as it shifted from ocean to mountains, desert and farmland. In awe, I think “all of this in one province!” Click here on Spotted Lake to read more about this magical lake we came upon.

Back in my studio I’m absorbing not only colour palette but what is paintable and what can remain unpainted.  Although it’s landscape I traveled through, it is the rhythms of the scene that I want to capture. That dictates how the paint will be applied, how it will be manipulated into forms and planes, scratches and strokes. A disguised story of my experience.

What appears on canvas since my return is a rich crumbly colour that stops me in my tracks like the desert tones in the photo above. My travel memories feed my paintings. They already speak to me in response. 



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