curve, work on paper, mixed media by Canadian contemporary artist barbra edwards Pender Island, BC
April 1 2019
Unstoppable: The Women's Exhibition

Increased recognition of women’s art along with other minority groups continues and hopefully this ‘trend’ will become part of the norm. 

Here is one video Tate London (click) recently posted as part of their response to Women's History month. 

With these two paintings that appear in ‘Unstoppable…” I’m looking at the fragmented forms, line and movement that occurs naturally in landscape.

I'm thrilled to be in the company of some remarkable women for this show, Molly Lamb Bobak, Betty Goodwin, Coleen Heslin, Rita Letrendre, Vicky Marshall, Sandra Meigs, Wendy Page, Mary Pratt, Frances Semple, Kathy Venter, Carollyne Yardley and more...

U n s t o p p a b l e:   T h e  W o m e n' s  E x h i b i t i o n

Exhibition opens  -  T u e s d ay   A p r i l   2 - 2 7    2 0 1 9

Artist's reception S a t u r d a y   A p r i l    6     2 - 4 p m
Drop by to check out this show if you can, we'll be there to say hello.


Winchester Galleries
2260 Oak Bay Avenue
Victoria  BC
250 595 2777

paintings at left:  Curve  22.5x 11.5 in  Rain Shadow 11.25 x 6.5 in  (click to see painting details)



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